
MASTERS OF SCIENCEPhysician Assistant Studies


Physician Assistants (PAs) are medical professionals who diagnose illnesses, develop and manage treatment plans, prescribe medications, and often serve as a patient's principal healthcare provider. With thousands of hours of medical training, PAs are versatile and collaborative.

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ARC-PA授予由利记sbo赞助的利记sbo医师助理计划的临时认证地位. 认证-临时是在计划和资源分配时授予的认证状态, if fully implemented as planned, 尚未招收学生的拟议项目似乎证明了该项目符合ARC-PA标准的能力,或者持有临时认证状态的项目在准备第一批学生毕业时似乎证明了在遵守标准方面的持续进步. Accreditation-Provisional does not ensure any subsequent accreditation status. It is limited to no more than five years from matriculation of the first class. The program’s accreditation history can be viewed on the ARC-PA website at http://www.arc-pa.org/accreditation-history-lawrence-technological-university/

Please check back here often for program updates and additional information.

Our admissions process operates on a rolling basis, 允许申请人在开放申请周期内的任何时间提交材料. This means that as soon as your application is complete, it will be reviewed, and decisions will be made on an ongoing basis. 利记sbo strongly encourages all applicants to apply as early as possible. 一旦所有的30个名额都被填满,以后的申请将只被列入候补名单.

临床轮转位于大底特律和周边地区,导师致力于支持利记sbo提升伙伴关系和愿景. 您的临床经验将包括门诊和医院内,并将完全由利记sbo安排.


  • Ascension
  • Corewell Health
  • Covenant Medical Center
  • Detroit Medical Center
  • Henry Ford Health
  • Hurley Medical Center
  • Memorial Hospital
  • MyMichigan Medical Center (Midland & West Branch)
  • Sparrow
  • Spectrum
  • Trinity Health Michigan
  • VA Healthcare

您将学习一些最常见的电子医疗记录(EMR)制图系统. You will have access throughout the program to refine your skills. In addition, 毕业后,你将具备运用关键技术诊断和治疗病人的知识和能力.

利记sbo has implemented a student-first ideology with a focus on you. Your overall well-being and success is the driver behind our passion. 利记sbo的PA教师致力于你的个人成功,并提供身体素质, mental and emotional support needed to assist you along the way. 您的一位PA教授将作为您在利记sbo的个人顾问和导师,并在您需要时指导您使用其他大学资源.

Our curriculum often employs case-based learning, 让学生沉浸在现实世界的场景中,培养批判性思维和实际解决问题的能力. By engaging with authentic cases, 学生不仅获得了理论知识,而且还培养了在复杂和动态的情况下应用他们的专业知识的能力.

The newly-built, highly innovative, dedicated PA classroom and lab have been integrated with technology. 程序空间中的多个区域具有录制和回放功能,以方便您的学习. 整个星期你都可以进入考场,按照自己的节奏来磨练你的技能. In addition, a dedicated break-room is available to allow you to rest, relax and refuel throughout the day.

教师拥有不同的专业领域,这使得我们的课程为您提供从课堂到实验室的独特跨学科体验. Instructors will collaborate 并教授核心课程,以最好地利用他们的个人专业知识和专业经验, giving you the best opportunity for understanding and success. 我们的教师热衷于为您提供最好的学生体验. We provide multiple ways to engage with the faculty and our doors are always open. 您的反馈对我们来说很有价值,也是我们不断追求卓越的重要组成部分.

Lawrence Technological University is conveniently located, with easy access and ample free parking within steps of the program building. The building has secure access for PA students and faculty. Buildings, labs and classrooms are handicap-accessible throughout campus. 模拟实验室位于Ascension Providence Southfield,解剖实验室位于Ascension Providence Novi.

Our PA faculty team is committed to your success from beginning to end. 利记sbo教师将举办频繁的信息发布会,我们强烈鼓励所有感兴趣的申请人参加. 我们的信息会议充满了有用的信息来回答最常见的问题, with a Q&A at the end.

If, after attending one of our informational sessions, you would like to have a 15-minute one on one conversation with a faculty member, please register here: http://apply.yann-mathieux.com/portal/pa1:1 . 如果您对该计划有任何进一步的问题,请随时与我们联系,我们的一位私人助理教授将回答您的问题: paprogram@yann-mathieux.com .

Because of the academic demands of the program, the program strongly discourages students from working while enrolled in the program.

学生不需要获得临床场地或导师为他们的临床轮转. If a student wants to be placed at a specific clinical site, a request may be made to the Clinical Coordinator. 并不是所有的申请都会被批准,因为在允许学生实习之前,该项目必须对每个临床地点和导师进行适当的审查.

If you are interested in helping us train the next generation of Physician Assistants, then you could become a student model volunteer. 我们的志愿者来自各行各业——来自那些想要回馈社会的人, to students looking to broaden their work experience, 获得志愿者或社区服务时间,未来想要了解教师和项目的申请人. 我们所有的志愿者都有一个共同点,那就是他们愿意花时间帮助我们培训富有同情心和能力的医师助理.

Here at Lawrence Technological University , 我们希望给我们的医师助理学生机会在监督的条件下发展他们的实践技能, before putting what they have learned into practice. As part of this training, 我们需要志愿者参加考试,我们的学生进行基本, non-invasive physical examinations. 作为志愿者,您将体验由医师助理学生进行的基本身体检查(如血压和脉搏血氧仪监测). A Certified Physician Assistant will be present during every exam to supervise.

You do not need to undertake any formal training. You will be fully briefed prior to each exam. You can travel to and from the exam dressed as you wish, but for the exam you will need to wear your own shorts, and if applicable a sports bra, you will be given a hospital style gown upon arrival.  

Volunteering would be multiple times a semester; dates and times will vary. You can volunteer for as few or as many dates that fit into your schedule.

如果你有兴趣成为学生模范志愿者,请点击下面的链接 complete the form .

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Ascension Simulation Lab

This lab allows students to acquire procedural skills with the most advanced models, cadaver specimens, and superior equipment used by Ascension medical professionals. Take advantage of ultrasound and robotic surgery simulators, access to an impressive library of radiologic images from actual studies performed, and an extensive exposure and education on a wide range of diagnostics and procedures.
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Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

利记sbo's PA Program is dedicated to fostering an environment of mutual respect, and honors and embraces the value of every individual. 任何侵犯公民自由的行为都可能受到州或联邦法律的处罚. Harassment and discrimination based on race, color, religion, gender, ethnicity, nationality, age, political ideology, socio-economic class, sexual orientation or intellectual or physical ability will not be tolerated. To report an incident, visit yann-mathieux.com/dei/titleix .

利记sbo鼓励开放的学习环境,鼓励信仰和思想的自由交流,维护每个人的尊严和价值. The 利记sbo DEI website is located at hln9.yann-mathieux.com/dei .

Physician Assistant


